Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Life before 2nd standard

Childhood was pretty awesome for me. Till 1st Standard, I studied in my mum's friend's school, and boy it had its perks! I got to call the Principal 'Mytheee Aunntteee" and eat snacks whenever I wanted. (Yes, I've been a food-pig from waaaaaay back then) Also, my class consisted entirely of 5 people. Including the class teacher. This was definitely an advantage for me, because I was always first in class! Even when my spelling skills were as poor as 'frends' and my drawing skills were cat, when asked to draw a dog. My mom would glare at me, as I'd regale my athais and cousins with tales of how I came first in my exams, first in the fancy dress competition (dressed as pattu maami), how I delivered the longest dialogue in the school play. Basically, I was a superstar all-rounder (according to myself)

I was in my final year (first standard, in Akshara terms) and our school day was fast approaching. It just so happened that our school principal was related to Arvind Swamy (the actor). And he was coming to Trichy to attend some show. So 'Mytheee Aunteee' invited him to come visit our school. I, being the star achiever of the school and the eldest, was asked to greet him at the entrance. Of course I was all dolled up for the honour - well-pressed uniform, shiny shiny shoes, well-brushed, coconut-tree pony tails... you get the picture. So I was standing, near the gates, when the car arrived. 

This is when things took a turn for the strange. He got out of the car, and I went crazy. I saw him and screamed my head off. And started weeping. No, wailing. And sadly, my memory of the event ends there. But, from what I hear from mom and other sources, I proceeded to run inside the school, still wailing, and hid myself in the art cupboard. It took 3 people, including my mother, to pull me out of there! Apparently, Mr. Arvind Swamy was very upset by what happened and tried to get in my good books by bribing me with chocolate!! I'm totally bummed that I don't remember this part. But on the bright side,  by that evening I was apparently sitting on his lap, "smearing my face with diary milk and stuffing my mouth with gems". These were the words my sister used and was also gracious enough to let me know that I did not share even a morsel of chocolate with anyone. I have to say, I'm proud of myself. 

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